European Brown Swiss Federation

Brown Swiss Austria
Brixnerstrasse 1
6020 Innsbruck, Österreich
Tel.: +43 (0) 59292/1820
email: brownswissaustria@lk-tirol.at
Brune Genetique Services
149 rue de Bercy
75595 Paris Cedex 12, France
Tel.: +33 (0) 181721738
email: bgs@union-bgs.com
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsches Braunvieh
Kemptener Strasse 46
87647 Unterthingau, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)7586/9206-0
Fax: +49 (0)7586/5304
email: info@braunvieh.de
Associazione nazionale allevatori bovini della
razza Bruna
Loc. Ferlina, 204
37012 Bussolengo (VR), Italia
Tel.: +39 (0)45 6760111
Fax: +39 (0)45 7156655
email: anarb@anarb.it
Braunvieh Schweiz
Chamerstrasse 56
CH-6300 Zug, Schweiz
Tel.: +41 (0)41 7293311
Fax: +41 (0)41 7293377
email: info@braunvieh.ch
Zveza rejcev govedi rjave pasme Slovenije
Hacquetova 17
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Tel.: +386 (1) 2805262
Fax: +386 (1) 2805255
email: matija.rigler@lj.kgzs.si

Members of the actual committee are :
Norbert Meggle
President of German Brown Swiss Association
Franz Birkenmaier
Secretary of German Brown Swiss Association
Tomaz Modic
President of Slovenian Brown Swiss Association
Matija Riegler
Director of Slovenian Brown Swiss Association
Thomas Schweigl
President of European Brown Swiss Federation
President of Austrian Brown Swiss Association
Reinhard Winkler
Secretary of European Brown Swiss Federation
Director of Austrian Brown Swiss Association
Aurore Cannesson
Secretary assistant of European Brown Swiss Federation
Silvano Turato
President of Italian Brown Swiss Associaton
Enrico Santus
Director of Italian Brown Swiss Associaton

A.C.T. «Bruna Schwyz»
Maramures Loc. Sighetu Marmatiei
Str. Popa Lupu nr. 62 - Cod. 435500 Jud.
Maramures, Romania
Tel.: +40 262 311202
Fax: +40 262 314522
email: act_bruna@rdslink.ro
Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Raza Parda
AVDA. Facultad, 13.-2° A, E
24004 León, España
Tel.: +34 (0) 987 209 447
Fax: +34 (0) 987 250 251
email: asociacion@razaparda.es
Association for breeding of Brown breed
Str. Stepan Peshen n° 87
Sevlievo, Bulgaria
Tel/Fax: +35 967534402
email: arkp@abv.bg
Carpathian Brown Swiss Association
Czech Association of Brown Swiss breeders
Czech Republic
Brown Swiss Cattle Society (UK)
Rose cottage, Little Fencote, Northallerton,
North Yorkshire, DL7 0RR
Tel. 01609 748385
email : office@brownswiss.org
Vincent Julhan
Vice President of European Brown Swiss Federation
President of French Brown Swiss Association
Olivier Bulot
Director of French Brown Swiss Association
Dorel Codrea
President of Romanian Brown Swiss Association
Gumer de la Riera
Director of Spanish Brown Swiss Association
Adrian Arnold
Vice President of European Brown Swiss Federation
President of Swiss Brown Cattle Association
Martin Rust
Director of Swiss Brown Cattle Association
Tzvetan Dimitrov Tsochev
President of Bulgarian Brown Cattle Association
Vasyl Terpai
President of the Ukrainian Brown Swiss Association
Ingrid Stepanova
President of the Czech Brown Swiss Association
Robert McColm
Chairman of the UK Brown Swiss Society